
Caravan and Trailer - Blow Out
Is it surprising how often caravan and trailer owners have personally experience tyre blowouts. In most cases this results in frustrating tyre changes on the side of the road, however, the results can be much more serious! In the event of tyre failure, it is unlikely that the driver would be able to notice any change or feel to the caravan being towed. It is therefore not surprising that most owners report that they were completely unaware of any issue until it is too late. A blowout in a single axle trailer almost invariably leads to loss of control, while a shredded..
What is AlloyGator? A totally British product which solves a problem that I am sure we have all experienced. Have you ever had that awful feeling when you hear the sound of your precious wheels grating along the kerb? No matter how careful a driver you are, there are always potholes and others who force you into the roadside edge. Thanks to AlloyGator now there is a solution to that potential damage. AlloyGator is such a simple idea, but then the best ones usually are, this product simply fits between your wheel and the tyre. If and when the inevitable happens, the product takes the..
TPMS – A Simple Customer Guide
What is TPMS? TPMS stands for Tyre Pressure Monitoring System.  It’s a system that measures the pressure in the tyre and relays information to your dashboard.  Some more sophisticated systems can also send the tyre temperature but we’re not so interested in that. Direct TPMS vs Indirect TPMS There are two types of system.  Indirect TPMS is the poor relative.  There has been a spate of manufacturers using this system.  It’s not as accurate nor as informative.  An indirect system calculates the pressure rather than measuring it.  Calculations are..
Branded Tyres vs Budget Tyres
People are always asking us about the difference between a branded tyre vs a budget tyre. With such a huge amount of choice on the market, the price is often the only thing people judge. What we all understand is that budget tyres are the cheapest and branded tyres cost more.  Choosing the cheapest may not be the most economic option. Spending a little extra can actually give you better value over the life of the tyre. Tyre manufacturers invest a huge amount of money in producing tyres that meet safety and quality. Companies like Michelin and Pirelli tyres use more than 200 separat..
Winter Tyres – All you need to know
WHY SWITCH TO WINTER TYRES? Most tyres fitted to cars in the UK are standard tyres, what we call ‘Summer tyres’.  Most of us use summer tyres all year round, which most of us use all year round.  In many European countries however, they switch to winter tyres in late Autumn and then back to Summer tyres in late Spring.  In fact in some EU countries the law requires motorist to switch tyres. Many people think that winter tyres are specifically designed to work only in the snow and that, to be honest, is out of date!  Modern rubber and the addition of silica in the..
Checking Your Tyres
We often forget to check our cars for safety and fluids on a regular basis. At Easy Tyre we recommend that you fully check your car at least once a month and or before any long journey and a quick visual check before each day. With regular inspections it will dramatically reduce your chances of a break down when you least need it. How many times have you seen a car with a flat tyre, they happen more often then you may think. Before starting your vehicle take a few seconds to walk around checking that all four tyres are inflated and there is no damage to the car itself. Easy Tyre rec..
A question that we are often asked is if it ever worth fitting part worn tyres to your car.  The short answer is a resounding “NO”, let me explain why. The most important items on your vehicle will always be your tyres; the better your tyres are the better chance you have of stopping. We can all have those emergency situations from time to time where every inch counts and is the difference from a safe stop or an accident.  Many suppliers of part worn tyres do not follow UK legislation when it comes to fitting part worn tyres. Did you know that every tyre sold must be stamp..
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